How I got started…

Although I am a public school Music Teacher by profession, I have always dabbled in crafting. Most ideas have come out of the need to present a friend or relative with a unique birthday or Christmas gift. I am the mother of four wonderful children; an aunt to ten nieces/nephews; a great aunt to four; a grandmother to two dogs, Poppy and Lula; two cats, Sprout and Melody. In 2021 I became Granny Em to our precious granddaughter, Evelyn Rose. In 2022, we adopted Piper-Bear, a Miniature Golden Doodle that reminds us what we went through with toddlers in the house.

In honor of my father, James Avery Smith, who passed away in 2016, I have used the term generations in the title of my business. He was an ordained minister; civil engineer; genealogist; published author; registered land surveyor; local historian; captain in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; loving husband, father and grandfather. As children, my siblings and I listened to our Dad tell us about our ancestors, dating back more than ten generations. I did not pay much attention when I was a child, but now find it fascinating to explore his research. As I generate apparel for my customers, I am reminded of how hard my Dad worked in his eighty year life to pursue his calling and his passions.